Internships are just one way to gain experience.

At Carthage, you’ll do so much more! Gaining experience starts from your first days on campus, when you are exploring student organizations to join, discovering community service opportunities, participating in vocational exploration, and getting an on-campus job! At Carthage, 你将参加有吸引力的课程,并找到许多方法来培养你作为专业人士的技能, as a leader, and as a creator.


全球十大赌钱排行app总部设在威斯康星州的基诺沙,芝加哥-密尔沃基走廊的中点. 这使学生全年都能接触到不同的行业和组织类型. 我们的位置允许学生在秋季将实习融入他们的经历中, spring, J-Term, or summer — not just in the summer!

The pandemic had forced many internships to occur online initially. While some organizations are returning to in-person internships, plenty continue to offer remote internships. 远程实习提供了练习新的专业技能的机会,可以让你更容易地在繁忙的学生日程中获得经验.

  • Idealist:探索国内仍有机会的远程实习机会.
  • CovIntern:与顶尖创业公司和公司的远程实习联系起来.
Want to swap a traditional course for an internship? 你可以在符合条件的实习中获得课程学分,并获得教师主管的额外监督! Internship for Credit Guidelines.

Research and Fellowships 帮助学生培养批判性思维和沟通能力. The initiative, resilience, 通过研究培养的创造性技能支持学生成为领导者, innovators, and entrepreneurs. 获得久负盛名的技能培养机会,使学生能够掌握创造新知识的技能, a critical capability in a changing world. 这些机会存在于校园内外,早在学生的第一年就开始了.

  • 所有全球十大赌钱排行app学生都可以获得研究经验,而不仅仅是一小部分. Some through specialized research programs, like SURE, 其他人通过综合课程为基础的机会和各种独立学习经验.
  • Learn what fellowships are, their transformative power, 以及如何通过阅读完成这些课程的学生和毕业生的故事来申请.
  • 全球十大赌钱排行app学院被公认为是美国富布赖特奖的顶级学府之一,也是威斯康辛州唯一一所上榜的学府.

Even with as much as Carthage has to offer, there’s more to explore in the world, and we’re here to help. Carthage is ranked No. 5 .在国内为学生参加短期出国学习!

Learn about J-Term

Visit the Study Abroad site

At Carthage, alongside the many guided learning opportunities students access, they can also build their own! My Aspire计划(MAP)提供与所有学生需要培养的一些最常见技能相关的自主微型学习体验. 学生的职业规划和目标可能需要获得额外的经验.


  • Carthage subscribes to LinkedIn Learning, 一个备受尊敬的资源,在线教学涵盖了从编程和设计到商业基础的一系列主题. To access LinkedIn Learning, navigate to Click “Sign in” at the upper right. Don’t log in on that screen! 在登录窗口下,单击“使用您的组织帐户登录”.” Type your Carthage email address and click “Continue.“在下一个登录框中输入您的全球十大赌钱排行app凭据(使用您的整个全球十大赌钱排行app电子邮件地址).
  • Carthage also subscribes to Firsthand, which equalizes access to valuable career insights, expert advice, 人脉可以帮助你从优势位置引导职业发展, knowledge, and assurance. 学习如何为各种职业做准备——从如何建立人际关系到业内人士对行业和角色的了解.
  • Big Interview 是通过引导视频/文字提示和可选录音练习行业特定面试的资源吗. 你可以练习,接受如何提高的建议,并分享你的会话以获得额外的反馈.
  • 利用PathwayU来评估你的兴趣,把职业探索掌握在你自己手中, values, personality, and workplace preferences. PathwayU 还可以将您与Handshake中与您的结果一致的工作联系起来.
  • 自学如何使用你预计在实习或未来工作中使用的软件 Access software for free or reduced rates through Carthage as a student.


Whether it’s leading a professionally-focused group, social organization, or another org, 动员他人所需的技能将帮助你在毕业后取得成功.

  • With more than 130 student organizations on campus在美国,学生可以加入许多团体,结识同龄人,并担任领导角色. Learn more about Carthage’s student organizations on The Harbor.
  • 一些校园学术和行政委员会欢迎学生表达他们的观点.


  • Local organizations seek students for service and leadership.
  • Start by finding volunteer opportunities on Handshake, identifying service-focused student organizations, and consulting with staff in the Office of Student Involvement.
  • 全球十大赌钱排行app的地理位置使人们可以很容易地进入国家专业协会的地方和区域分会, 允许学生获得资源和活动,以提高学习和领导能力.
  • 与现场的工作人员分享你对持续增长的兴趣——一些组织甚至有学生志愿者主管和董事会成员.

Read more about Leadership Opportunities